Do 5. Mai 2022 Archiv


plus special guests: Otto Von Schirach
Do 5 Mai 2022 Archiv

Die Show wird vom 16.11.21 auf den 05.05.22 verschoben. Außerdem wird sie vom SO36 ins Columbia Theater zurückverlegt. Bereits im VVK erworbene Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

Ausverkauft / sold out Örtlicher Veranstalter

Due to familial reasons, DRUMCORPS won’t be able to take part of this tour, so we send strength and good luck to him and his family.

Due to logistical challenges we are forced to shorten the tour and have to cancel Nijmegen and Brussels, all other shows will take place.
Unfortunately we can’t postpone Nijmegen and Brussels dates again and they have to be cancelled. We will make it up to our Nijmegen and Brussels fans in the near future.

Some shows are sold out, some are low on tickets and we can announce a venue upgrade in Hamburg.



Igorrr combines a variety of disparate genres, including death metal, baroque music, breakcore, and trip hop, into a singular sound. After 2 studio albums, Igorrr releases his album « Savage Sinusoid » on Metal Blade Records in 2017. After 2 years of touring in Europe, Russia, and North America, Igorrr is back on the road in 2020 with a brand new album, and a destructive new live act. As usual, expect something totally crazy and unique!


Igorrr a cette précieuse et rare faculté à démontrer à travers sa musique que les genres n’existent pas, sans produire un simple et vulgaire pot-pourri. Il n’a aucun scrupule à sampler ou enregistrer les plus extrêmes formes de metal, en les acoquinant à la décadence de la musique baroque au sein de rythmiques jazz, techno, country, détruites au beat repeater. Experience unique en live, il a été invité sur bon nombre de festivals et le nouvel album est prévu pour 2020.
