John Mayall
Farewell Tour 2022Abgesagt / Canceled: "Mit großem Bedauern hat JOHN MAYALL mitgeteilt, dass er auf Anraten seiner Ärzte für immer vom Tour Geschehen Abschied nehmen muß. Die für März 2022 geplante Tournee fällt damit leider aus. Das ist das Ende einer Ära die annähernd 60 Jahre währte. Der als 'Vater des weißen Blues' weltweit bekannte Musiker, der Größen wie Mick Jagger und Eric Clapton in seinen frühen Bluesbreakers Formationen hatte, hat über fast sechs Jahrzehnte den Blues salonfähig gemacht, immer wieder neu interpretiert und Generationen von Musikern beeinflusst. 'It's been a great ride and I enjoyed every moment of it!' schrieb John zu seinem Abschied und er ist voll des Dankes an alle Veranstalter, Venues und Medien die ihm über die Jahre die Treue gehalten haben. Es geht ein ganz Großer. Wir wünschen John weiterhin alles Gute!"
JOHN MAYALL – Legend of The Blues
I have decided, due to the risks of the pandemic and my advancing age, that it is time for me to hang up my road shoes. As a result I will be radically reducing my touring schedule and will be limiting my performances to local shows near my home in California, and the occasional concert further afield. My epic road dog days however have come to an end. I want to thank my audience for all the wonderful decades of shows, your infectious enthusiasm for my music and for your support throughout my many musical incarnations. It has been a privilege to have spent my life doing what I love and having you along for the ride with me through all of it. I may not be travelling to your location, but I do want to continue to share my love of the Blues with you. I have a new musical offering coming your way in the form of my album “The Sun is Shining Down,” which will be released by Forty Below Records on January 21st, featuring my long-time rhythm section of Greg Rzab and Jay Davenport as well as some exciting special guests. I’m proud of what we came up with and excited to share it with you. I look forward to seeing those of you who can attend my local shows, and I will miss all of you who cannot, but as always, keep loving the Blues!
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