Fr 9. Oktober 2020 Archiv

Ryan Sheridan

Fr 9 Okt 2020 Archiv

Verschoben / Rescheduled: Verlegt auf den 02.10.2021. Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten Gültigkeit.

„Dearest German fans.

I love playing live and going to live gigs. I love the electricity in a room, packed with energy and emotion. All your worries, thoughts and the outside world is on pause for that short time.

So It’s with a heavy heart, that I have to tell you, we are postponing this years ‘Love&War’ tour until 2021.

As much as I love playing live, my main priority is you guys being safe and well.

We will be back with new music and a new show, and we will have plenty of stories to tell.

But for now, Im sorry for this Scheisse news.

See you in 2021


Much Love

Ryan  X“
